A Glimpse Into the Future


(Throwback B&W photo of me in Nov 2013, taken by G or me)

I’ve scoured forums and blogs looking for info I can relate to. It is a relief for me whenever I find stories that reflect what I’m going through and at the same time… I haven’t found anything that speaks to my unique situation exactly. We’re all different, right? So for my sake and yours, reader, we’re gonna go on this journey together.

I was debating whether to make this blog anonymous and only give demographic information about myself textually… But my partner, my soulmate (as we discussed referring to each other as today), thinks I should represent myself with pictures and track my journey on here. It didn’t take long for G to convince me because that’s what this whole blog is about: SUAVE- Showing Up Authentically [through all my] Varying Expressions as a Trans, Black/mixed race, non binary, queer, nomadic artist.

This blog will be about my emotions, past and current struggles and triumphs, my relationship, transitioning with hormones, venting, analyzing, hypothesizing and I guess I’ll post some poetry here too sometimes. Consider making a donation to support me as a person and content creator.



Ā©2018 SUAVEtrans | All Rights Reserved.


  1. I love you. I miss you. I’m glad that you have figured out another outlet to express yourself through blogging, venting, analyzing, hypothesizing and your poetry. šŸ’—

    Liked by 1 person

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