Everything In Moderation

There’s a saying I like that goes everything in moderation, including moderation. The saying reminds me not to worry too much and not to think too far ahead. A little measured worry is good for avoiding mistakes or bad decisions, but too much can be emotionally paralyzing. It’s all about perspective and balance.

A few months ago I switched the type of testosterone I take. In my last post I wrote about how I had some spotting. Well it was more like a regular cycle but much lighter. I figured it is because my system converted some of the testosterone back into estrogen. So I waited an extra week before taking another dose thinking it may make a difference. I got my cycle again yesterday. I don’t know if it is because I am taking too much or too little testosterone to not menstruate. It isn’t affecting my mental health negatively so I’m just taking it in stride. I only have enough testosterone left for one more dose (about a month from now). I’m not worried about finding more at a pharmacy (whichever country we will be in).

We are into our fourth South American country so far since leaving for Colombia last December. I haven’t had any problems in the airports in SA about my legal name or gender. I’ve been shaving the morning of our flights to avoid any tension. But it probably isn’t even necessary. It just makes me feel way less anxious while traveling. The only problems we had was when coming into Buenos Aires, Argentina. We flew through a small, previously military, airport and the workers there were unpleasant in that drab atmosphere. They held us up for a while longer at customs after we already waited with everyone to get our passports stamped. They separated us from each other and searched our bags. It sucked but they didn’t pat us down like in the USA and we didn’t have anything wrong on us or in our luggage. Not a great first impression of the city. But I’m not gonna dwell on it or form my opinion of this huge place from that one experience.

A surprising thing about Buenos Aires we have noticed in the few days we have been here so far is that ice cream is taken pretty serious over here! There’s one place nearby with almost 100 flavors including 10 different types of chocolate flavors. We are vegan and it is winter here but we will definitely be seeing what the ice cream hype is about. Everything in moderation, including moderation. 😉

On the plane to Buenos Aires



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