It’s About More Than Abortion

A lot of people are talking about abortion being women’s rights and reproductive rights for people who aren’t women. Not as many people are talking about how the punishment is prison and what that really means for the states where it is being outlawed and the country as a whole.

Most of the people who will be impacted are poor and of color. If all of those people, mostly women, would be imprisoned, they will lose their right to vote and effectively become slaves. The 13th amendment to the constitution makes it legal for slave labor of prisoners. So women and people with uteri who miscarry or have abortions will no longer have a say in what happens to them or in the government of their states or federally. The presidential election in 2020 will be missing key opposition voters to the Trump administration. The local government elections will be missing voters who have women’s interests, queer and trans people’s interests, poor people’s interests and Black, Indigenous and other people of color’s interests at heart.

Outlawing abortion is a political strategy going beyond reproduction. It isn’t just a moral war being waged by “pro-lifers.” They couldn’t care less about the lives of the babies being born. More people having children who aren’t ready just means more future people in the system. It means more people working in America’s wage trap– more people who are free to exist in economic slavery. But ultimately the people who wrote and passed these anti-reproductive rights laws know people aren’t going to stop having abortions and aren’t going to stop having miscarriages because that isn’t something people choose.

The restrictive oppression against women and people with uteri is about control and limiting of power. It is about limiting the ability to choose life and limiting the right to vote. It is something that affects everyone because it is about controlling society and promoting slavery. You don’t have to support abortion to be appalled and afraid of the way human rights are being debased in the American south right now!

an image showing where within the states restricting reproductive rights abortion is still legal (from the Yellowhammer Fund Instagram page)

Check out Yellowhammer Fund by clicking the photo above to find out ways to support the cause!



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