Writing My Book

I don’t know how much I should say about my book in progress… Technically it’s not a full manuscript yet. But it is coming together. I have freed myself from writing it in the order it will be read and have made more progress that way. I feel great about the plot and themes of the story I am telling… AND have a new working title, which for now I will remain tight lipped about, but I think it’s pretty good… I want to be closer to finished before I reveal too much because it is so precious to me. I’m not a publicist or literary agent. I’m an artist.

I will say though, I began writing it because of anxiety about the future and used it as a way to channel that energy into something. It feels like a deep part of me brought from the subconscious out for anyone to read. It feels like my destiny to write it. I would love to get this work published as a novel, and my true dream is for it to be picked up as a film or series of episodes. As a filmmaker, I think cinematically when writing. I can’t choose one aspect of my creativity and turn off the others while creating. I’m also a poet and musician in addition to being an aspiring novelist.

I can’t categorize what kind of book it is into one or two genres. It is sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural, romantic, erotic, adventure, coming of age and centering queer, transgender and Black characters. It also addresses capitalism/fascism, the environmental decline, and mental health. It takes place in the near future but in a dystopian alternate reality. The entire book deals with what is or isn’t “real.” As a poet, I definitely bit off a lot for this project but not more than I can chew (over time)…

It’s a huge difference in writing a single poem as far as instant satisfaction goes. I’ve been talking about self-publishing an ebook of poetry. I last did a chapbook of poetry in 2011, Emergence. But I haven’t written as much poetry since I undertook writing a novel. (And I’ve shared even less poetry than I’ve written.) It’s a challenge to not get discouraged when I haven’t made progress as fast as I originally imagined when I began the story in 2015. But I focus on a lot of different things. So far this year we have been traveling in Colombia. The experience has opened a lot of paths in my mind.

I’ve been not only writing the story, but living with it. It grows as I grow and in many ways it is being revealed to me as I journey through life. I definitely want to finish it this year or in 2020, and it will take discipline.

Just wanted to check in on my blog about it. I definitely have been working more on my book than writing on my blog!



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