Trouble Sleeping (a poem)

A night like now/ buzzing with energy

Sleepless at half past three

Dogs howling/ roosters calling

Wind blowing the sea

I want to be grateful/ remember the good

But all the memories are pushed deep

Far in my mind/ the past wrestles

Let me free

Come forward, come close

Leave me soft/ alone

Same memories

Same ghosts

Now is the future

Created by the most

High, supreme/ divine


An undertaking

An open book/ blank pages

A hidden look

I wrote that exactly two months ago and now am up after 3AM revisiting it. Only difference is where I am geographically and that it is super quiet here now. Maintaining mental stability means getting good rest, but if I can’t sleep I sometimes will write to unwind my mind. What are some things you do when you have trouble sleeping?



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