Healing Doesn’t Mean Feeling Better

Not right away at least. Ever heard the phrase, “going through it…”? Well in order to get through it, you have to keep going. And sometimes it hurts to go through. If you have experienced any trauma or cope with mental health crises you probably get what I mean. Let me break it down here…

Sometimes I see people talk about healing, I do it too, like it is a destination straight ahead on a timeline. But it seems more like being in the eye of the storm. When things are really intense in life, the storm rages on like a tornado around us. It is easy to get caught up in the twister and get flung sprawling out and hurt. It is possible to be in the eye of the storm and have something hit you unexpectedly (maybe a trigger for the past trauma) and still hurt you. You can’t hide from the tornado while it grows and destroys your life. The storm might subside at times revealing whatever landscape of your life remains…leaving you to pick up the pieces. But without very much notice, the storm can pick back up.

Sometimes it is more like a torrential downpour and there is no way to keep dry. You can’t stay stuck in the flood, you may drown that way, so you have to literally do whatever possible to keep your head above water and get through it! Staying dry isn’t the goal: keeping your life is. Learning to cope is like learning to swim, even if our bodies naturally float, it takes practice, control and maybe a little luck to navigate rough waters.

Learning to heal is like learning how to be in the eye of the storm. Healing doesn’t mean your triggers could never arise. But eventually the storms may come less frequently and less intensely. Maybe next time a log comes flying into the eye of your storm, you can dodge it entirely or use your matrix gravity bending, I mean coping, skills to redirect it. Maybe you will get hit with that log, but it doesn’t have to send you flying back into the storm.

Healing is about staying grounded in the center of all of it. Life is not perfect or perfectly predictable. It is learning to get through a downpour without adding negative energy to turn it into a shit storm. Life isn’t as simple as the scene in a megachurch where people go to the altar call and get saved in a fit and faint. If it were as simple, all those “saved” would never struggle again or find a way back into whatever led them to the altar call that day. Once you know the way out of the suffering, you have to work hard along the way. There will be pain on the path to healing. But I do believe it is possible to get to be OK.

We aren’t trying to heal from being human and as humans we will always be at risk of being affected by all around us. The best we can do for ourselves is find ways to get through it with as little damage as possible. (Damage to ourselves and damage to those around us). Accept that the process–healing–won’t necessarily be easy and won’t make you feel better right away either. Every moment is one part of the healing journey.

Two prints of fine art drawings by GWS photographed behind a golden ritual candle.



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